Evolve With Your Higher Self

A Course With Emma Rising!
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Discover The Truth About Intuition


Are you ready for the absolute truth?
Intuition has not been fully researched or scientifically defined yet... Which means, we don't truly know or understand how it works... They're still working on it! BUT just because we can't DEFINE something, doesn't mean we can't EXPERIENCE it to it's fullest potential.
In fact, one of the bonuses of being able to let go of our definitions and our need to understand, is that it reveals the true, innate function that our intuition can actually have in our daily life.
Intuition will improve our body, mind and well-being, only when we have the correct understanding of how to continue to enhance it and apply it over time.
When we see it as a tool that we can use to perceive information and that it's accuracy is determined by our willingness to explore our physiological awareness, it becomes a support-system that we can rely on to better our life.

The Truth About Personal Development


Are you receiving the full benefits?
Take a moment to reflect upon the very first time you decided to explore personal development...
  • What were you struggling with?
  • How would you rate the pain that this struggle caused in your life on a scale of 1-10?
  • Did you find a solution?
  • Has the solution completely tipped the scale to zero? Or has it just nudged the scale a few steps in a new direction?



Personal development is a vast industry with many different avenues. It can be daunting deciding what to try or who to trust, especially when it's all new to you! Perhaps you've been let down in the past, from trying something that promised to bring results, but didn't give you the outcome that you desired.
There's a reason why you could end up feeling scared and confused when it comes to self-development... You are trying something that worked for someone else, and there is no guarantee that it will work for you too!
But here's the thing... We are all unique! We have all had unique experiences! Which means that what worked for someone else can only ever partially work for you too...
Plus, each and every one of us perceives information differently, which means that we use our intuition differently... There is not just one-way to use our senses and interpret life! There are a myriad of perception possibilities that are uncovered when you can truly observe the subtleties.
So any personal development strategy that is just teaching one method or tool or technique, is going to be limited in how far it can take you. It's that simple!
And this is why it's so important to take your personal development further, by learning ever-evolving and experiential techniques, versus a once-learned tool or technique.

So What Is The Solution?


It's learning how to safely perceive and understand your unique experiences, how they have affected you personally and knowing exactly what actions you can to take to resolve the situation.
This is why learning to use your own intuition is SO important, because without this ability, it's impossible to truly understand the ins and outs of your internalisations and see a clear path forward that is supportive of your unique journey.
So unless you find someone who has developed their abilities enough to truly sense and understand the subtleties of your perceptions, and can nurture you through an evolution of these, then you may experience a lack of resolution and can expect some level of disappointment after working with them.
Because experiencing success with any form of personal-development is more than just using a tool or trying a strategy... Success is deeply dependent on your ability to personally focus on yourself, safely examine your internalisations and create a meaningful shift in how you see and experience your life!

Why Develop A Connection With Your Higher Self



Your higher self is a very specific energy that is unique to you! Learning to perceive and experience this energy, gives you a deeper and more profound understanding of yourself. It encompasses all wisdom and clarity on how to resolve your hardships, improve your life and relationships, and gives insight to your purpose and why you came to live this Earthly experience. 
Developing a connection with this aspect of your awareness, is like forming a bond with a parent who is so loving, understanding and inspirational that it can't help but support you to change your entire outlook on life!
Once again, it can be difficult to describe the true potency of this connection in words, however the more you experience it, the more you will understand it and learn how to work with it.
Why is it the missing ingredient to truly creating change in your life and your personal development journey?
Well, learning how to use your intuition is one thing... But learning how to use your intuition to connect to this very specific energy, and deeply understand it's purpose in your life, takes you beyond what you know is possible today.
Your higher self energy is the only source of knowledge that you can truly tap into, to transform your body, mind and soul, and create the true resolutions that bring undeniable change in your life!

What's Included In The Course?


During this course, look forward to:
  • Delving deeper into intuition and the higher self experience
  • Learning about the different intuitive senses and how to utilise them
  • Developing a communicative connection with your higher self energy to receive new information
  • Infusing new energy into your body, mind and life! ie. Manifest with your higher self
  • Clearing energy from your body, mind and life! ie. Heal with your higher self
  • Applying these new abilities to improve your well-being
  • Creating an ever-evolving practice that will support you over time
By the time you've completed this course, you will:  
  • Understand how you personally perceive energy and interpret new information through your intuition
  • Be able to connect with your higher self energy, ask questions and receive intuitive answers
  • Infuse new energy into your body and mind to support your wellbeing and begin healing
  • Be able to find new levels of inspiration and wisdom in any aspect of your life 
  • Have what you need to create a clear and inspired plan to transform your life
The course will consist of:
  • 2+ hours of online, pre-recorded intuitive training with Emma Rising (Usually $1500)
  • A relaxing Subconscious Healing Meditation, facilitated by Emma, which will infuse new DNA to support your new abilities coming into form
  • 1on1 tune ins with Emma to discuss your intuitive development and how to progress in the future
    * (Currently not available until October 2024)
  • The space to ask questions about what you've learned and how to apply it in your life
Bonuses will include: 
  • A free 1on1 Subconscious Healing Session with Emma to discuss your personal situation further and receive any private support (Usually $350) *Next availability November 2024
  • Life-time access to the recording of the course so that you can revisit the content and continue to gain new information and clarity on your intuitive processes
  • Support offered via email as you continue to grow and questions arise
Usually $1500 AUD,
Purchase Today For Just $300 AUD 
Purchase Now!

What Challenges Are You Facing?


This course is for you if:
  • You're facing emotional challenges that you'd like to overcome
  • You're aware of negative or demeaning self-talk 
  • You're dealing with constant mind chatter and struggling to relax
  • You're feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, tired, confused, trapped or confronted
  • You're challenges seem unbearable or unsolvable
  • You feel like you're in constant overdrive and you 'need a break from life'
  • You're struggling with daily pain or discomfort in your body
  • You've struggled with something for so long that it's caused resentment or self-hate
  • You're feeling lost or impatient and are looking for new direction
  • You've gained everything that you can from your current tools and you need something new that will get to the root of your challenges
  • You're looking to expand on your current knowledge and skills to further your development and improve your well-being

Are You Ready To Start Now?

You may be feeling: 
  • Inspired to create change in your life and relationships
  • Eager to upgrade your current tools and practices
  • Ready to make a difference for yourself and those around you
  • The desire to learn how to truly release the things that aren't working for you
  • The pull towards finding techniques that truly support you and work to attract the things that will benefit your life and relationships
  • The motivation to become the empowered leader of your life and your personal development journey
  • Curious about how to change your life without fears and doubts slowing you down
If This Is You, Then You Are Ready!

More About Emma Rising!


With 10 years of personal development experience and over 6 years in teaching intuition, meditation and Subconscious Healing, Emma has developed a strong foundation as a facilitator and a mentor for her clients.
Her unique ability to guide you through a development in your consciousness will transform every aspect of your life, and take you beyond what you currently see possible.
She'll support you to build upon your current skills and expertise, whilst offering the support you need to be able to rely on yourself and evolve freely in the future.


What will this mean for you?


You can progress with a new sense of self that will encourage change and help you feel empowered and inspired to grow.
You can also say goodbye to: 
  • Long drawn-out courses processes 
  • Scary, painful or uncomfortable experiences that may give you temporary relief but don't shift the root of the issue
  •  Tools that you try once but never use again because they don't work
  • On-going expenses for support on the same topics over and over again
  • Being stuck in old patterns and trauma, unable to shift them
  • Stagnating in your life with no sense of direction or purpose
  • Feeling unsure about your ability to support yourself or others
  • Feeling unsafe or trapped with no way of moving forward
Working with Emma offers a safe and empowering experience of discovering who you truly are and learning how to evolve without the limitations of your past. 
As you reverse the influence of your negative thoughts and impactful emotions, you become the true source of inspiration in your life!
Start Today! Become the empowered leader of your personal development journey!


Evolve With Your Higher Self

Online Course With Emma Rising!
Purchase Today For Just $300!